
Species Level Risk Assessments Explorer

If you are looking for Risk Assessment METHODS, go to the Assessment Methods Explorer

This explorer is produced in collaboration with the Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species' Risk Assessment Ad Hoc Committee.

You may search the risk assessments and species regulations by either specifying the full species name directly from the first drop-down menu, or perform a taxonomic search. Both state and federal level regulations are displayed in the map, with the latter portrayed in the inset graphics of the United States and Canada. For more detailed information on the species regulations described in the map and to view tribal regulations, please select the table view. To learn more about the methods behind each species' risk assessment, click the method title for an entry.

Page last updated 7/05/2022; Always check federal, state/provincial, tribal and local regulations directly for the most up-to-date information.

Side-by-side comparison

Click the check box directly beneath the species name of up to two species-level risk assessments to compare them. Once you click a second, you will be directed to a table which will appear here.

Common Names
Geographic scope of assessment
Impact/Invasive status
Overall status
Certainty/Confidence in overall status
Other notes

Download data

Below are the results of your most recent query in tab delimited format. From here, you may do any of the following:

  • Copy, paste into a text editor, and save as 'insert_file_name.txt'. You should then be able to open it in your favorite spreadsheet program either directly through the program, or by right-clicking on it and opening it in that program.
  • Copy, and 'import' the text via your favorite spreadsheet program's text import wizard or equivalent