Notes regarding Task Reports (/web/res/Task_rpts/yyyy/*.html) to assure clean execution of 
the "Profile" scripts. Last updated: 2004-7-22, GL

The following scripts access and use the Task Reports:

1) Each task report should contain only one pair of <h1></h1> tags containing the project 
title.  Nothing but the title should be between the h1 tabs (i.e., no images)

2) All "non-current" projects should use the "pastProject" class; e.g.,
<p class="pastProject">As of 2004, this project is no longer current. Please see the 
<a href="/res/">Research Programs</a> page for a list of current research projects.</p>

3) Files are expected to be in the year directory of their start year, and not moved even 
after completion.

4) File names are expected to be: *-?.html, where *=any characters, ?=1 character; e.g.,

4a) It's OK to use file names with 2 or more characters after the dash because the script
will not "see" them; e.g.,

5) To determine ownership of research projects, the script looks for either mailto:lastname or 
/profiles/lastname.  So mailto:lastname and /profiles/lastname should only be used to identify/list 
the project PIs (or collaborators).