A.2 Vertical Temperature Profiles Data Format The vertical temperature profiles are stored in direct access files with a variable record length. To store the header information, the minimum record length is 128 bytes. The first record is a header record containing the following information : Bytes Type Variable 1-2 I*2 Record length 3-4 I*2 Number of header records (here: 1) 5-6 I*2 Data type where : 1 = unsigned byte 2 = unsigned integer*2 3 = not used 4 = signed integer*4 5 = Real*4 6 = signed byte 7 = signed integer*2 7-8 I*2 Number of profile data points ( total number of depth intervals ) 9-10 I*2 Number of profile lines stored 11-12 I*2 Depth interval of profile data points in tenths of meters 13-13 I*1 First day of profile data 14-14 I*1 First month of profile data 15-16 I*2 First year of profile data 17-17 I*1 Last day of profile data 18-18 I*1 Last month of profile data 19-20 I*2 Last year of profile data 21-24 R*4 Lower default value for main y-axis 25-28 R*4 Upper default value for main y-axis 29-29 I*1 Number of characters in title 30-69 A40 Title 70-70 I*1 Number of characters in subtitle 71-90 A20 Subtitle 91-91 I*1 Number of characters in legend 92-111 A20 Legend Records 2 through number of profile lines+1 hold the profile lines. The temperature profile is stored as integer*2 values. To convert the stored values to units, use the following conversion : Temperature = ( Input Value - Summand ) / Factor Each profile is lead by a line header containing the following information : Bytes Type Variable 1-1 I*1 Day 2-2 I*1 Month 3-4 I*2 Year ( not used here ) 5-6 I*2 Time as HHMM ( not used here ) 7-10 R*4 Factor 11-14 R*4 Summand To read the temperature profile and convert the input data use the following statement : integer*1 Day, Month integer*2 Year, Time, prftmp(500), I, RNum real*4 temperature(500), Summand, Factor n = NumOfDataPoints ! from record 1, bytes 7&8 do RNum=2, NumProfiles+1 read (inputunit, rec=RNum) Day, Month, Year, Time, & Factor, Summand, (prftmp(I), I=1, n) do I=1, n Temperature(I) = (prftmp(I) - Summand) / Factor enddo ... enddo