--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [entered Jul 13, 2022, gl] Cruise No. = 63 Dir = Data_LOPC/2022.07.1/ Lake Huron, Laurentian Cruise, July 05-08, 2022 Huron 1=TB10-TB82night.dat LOPC, Lake Huron, 07.05.2022, 23:18:27 2=TB82-TB46day.dat LOPC, Lake Huron, 07.06.2022, 10:03:01 3=TB46-TB10day.dat LOPC, Lake Huron, 07.06.2022, 15:09:14 4=TB82-isobathnight.dat LOPC, Lake Huron, 07.07.2022, 05:01:18 5=TB82-isobathday.dat LOPC, Lake Huron, 07.07.2022, 09:41:28 6=SB23-BCB2night.dat LOPC, Lake Huron, 07.07.2022, 22:47:11 7=BCB2-SB23day.dat LOPC, Lake Huron, 07.08.2022, 09:27:58 Notes: 1) Using calibration parameters for 2022 were used 2) TB82-isobathnight.dat had no GPS information and could not be processed. Bin1: bins 6-16 = 91-255 uM Bin2: bins 17-32 = 256-495 uM Bin3: bins 33-49 = 496-750 uM Bin4: bins 50-99 = 751-1500 uM Bin5: bins 100-266 = 1501-4005 uM Using 2022 PAR calibration Using 2022 Dissox calibration Using 2022 CHL calibration Using 2022 CDOM calibration Using 2022 NTU calibration --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc notes: 1) Timestamp in the file header is in local time. The timestamp in the data records is in GMT. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PAR ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if par_calib eq '2022' then begin ;calibration date = 12/09/2021 ;4-pi model sperical, model QSP2300, serial #70323 cal_par=6.22d12 ; wet calibration dark_par=0.002 ; volts ; print,'Dark Par (uE/m**2/s)=',cal_par*10^dark_par*100.*100./6.02d17 par=fltarr(nc)-999. k=where(par0 gt -999,/NULL,nk) if nk gt 0 then par(k)=cal_par*(10^par0(k)-10^dark_par) ; quanta/cm2-sec if nk gt 0 then par(k)=par(k)*100.*100./6.02d17 ; uE/m**2/s k2=where(par gt -999 and par lt 0.,/NULL,nk2) if nk2 gt 0 then par(k2)=0. end ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Dissolved Oxygen ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if dissox_calib eq '2022' then begin ;calibration date = 11/19/2021 ;Seabird, SBE43, serial #0817 dissox=fltarr(nc)-999. do_volts=dissox0 ;volts tempa=temp+273.15 ;absolute temp a1_do=-173.4292d a2_do=249.6339d a3_do=143.3483d a4_do=-21.8492d oxsat=exp(a1_do+a2_do*(100./tempa)+a3_do*alog(tempa/100.)+a4_do*(tempa/100.)) ;oxygen saturation, mL/L soc_do=0.4774 voff_do=-0.5488 atfun=-5.1397d-3 btfun=2.3939d-4 ctfun=-3.7324d-6 Edo=0.036 tfun=1.0+atfun*temp+btfun*temp^2+ctfun*temp^3 k=where(dissox0 gt -999,/NULL,nk) if nk gt 0 then dissox(k)=1.42903d*soc_do*(do_volts(k)+voff_do)*tfun(k)*oxsat(k)*exp(Edo*(depth(k)/1.019716d)/tempa(k)) ; do, mg/l end ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CHL ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if chl_calib eq '2022' then begin ;calibration date = 12/13/2021 ;WET labs FLNTUB, SN=1941 ; Convert fluorometer output (volts) to chl-a (ug/l) using regression equations from S. Constant scale_chl=6. ; scale factor dark_chl=0.070 ; volts chl=fltarr(nc)-999. k=where(chl0 gt -999,/NULL,nk) if nk gt 0 then chl(k)=scale_chl*(chl0(k)-dark_chl) ; ug/l k2=where(chl gt -999 and chl lt 0.,/NULL,nk2) if nk2 gt 0 then chl(k2)=0. end ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CDOM ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if cdom_calib eq '2022' then begin ;calibration date = 12/13/2021 ;WET labs ECO-CDOM, SN=2227 ;analog 1 scale_cdom=26. ; scale factor dark_cdom=0.106 ; volts cdom=fltarr(nc)-999. k=where(cdom0 gt -999,/NULL,nk) if nk gt 0 then cdom(k)=scale_cdom*(cdom0(k)-dark_cdom) ; ug/l k2=where(cdom gt -999 and cdom lt 0.,/NULL,nk2) if nk2 gt 0 then cdom(k2)=0. end ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; NTU ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ntu_calib eq '2022' then begin ;calibration date = 12/07/2021 ;WET labs FLNTUB, SN=1941 scale_ntu=2. ; scale factor dark_ntu=0.070 ; volts ntu=fltarr(nc)-999. k=where(ntu0 gt -999,/NULL,nk) if nk gt 0 then ntu(k)=scale_ntu*(ntu0(k)-dark_ntu) ; ug/l k2=where(ntu gt -999 and ntu lt 0.,/NULL,nk2) if nk2 gt 0 then ntu(k2)=0. end ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------