G. Lang NOAA/GLERL 734-741-2250 gregory.lang@noaa.gov ------------------------------ WIS_info.txt 1956-1987 created 8/28/2003 Original data in /d3/data/erie/data/Raw/WISWAVE These data are a time series produced from a computer hindcast model. FORMAT (Sample Data From WIS Lake Erie Station 23): 23 56010100 1.1 4.0 251. 10.3 250 23 56010103 1.5 5.0 255. 10.3 250 23 56010106 1.6 5.3 256. 10.3 250 23 56010109 1.0 5.0 300. 7.2 340 Lines 1 thru n - identification and format: Identifier Columns Format ------------ ----------- --------- Station number 1-3 i3 date/time 4-12 i9 spectrally-based significant wave height (Hmo) 13-17 f5.1 peak period 18-22 f5.1 peak direction 23-27 f5.1 wind speed 28-32 f5.1 wind direction 33-37 i5 Recorded Units: time UT wave height meters wave period second wave direction meteorological convention--degrees from true north (from which) wind speed meters per second wind direction meteorological convention--degrees from true north (from which) Parameters: ws,wd,wvh,wvp,wvd ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Original README file: http://bigfoot.wes.army.mil/c205.html Original Hindcast Data ftp://wisftp.wes.army.mil/pub/outgoing/wisftp/GreatLakes/Erie/ CEDRS contains data from the Wave Information Study(WIS). These data are a time series produced from a computer hindcast model. For the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans the time series is from the WIS Phase II hindcast for the 20-year period 1956-1975. The 1976-1995 Atlantic hindcast is Phase II. The Pacific Ocean also contains Phase III and the Southern California hindcast for the 20-year period 1956-1975. The Gulf of Mexico (20-year period 1956-1975 and 20-year period 1976-1995) and the Great Lakes (32-year period 1956-1987) time series are from WIS Phase I hindcasts. Parameters stored in CEDRS for WIS data are consistent with WIS Standard Hindcast Data Format. A new Atlantic hindcast covering the 20-year period 1976-1995 is now available. This hindcast includes hurricanes and a direct comparison between the 1956-1975 hindcast and the 1976-1995 hindcast should NOT be made. A Gulf of Mexico hindcast covering the 20-year period 1976-1995 is now available. The Gulf of Mexico 1976-1995 hindcast includes hurricanes and a direct comparison between the 1956-1975 and 1976-1995 hindcasts should NOT be made. In addition to the WIS time series of wave and wind parameters, there are also available tables of basic statistics calculated from the total time series. Questions relating to WIS should be directed to Dr. Lihwa Lin linl@wes.army.mil Last modified 4 August 2003.