Toledo Channel Marker #2


  Wind Speed (R.M.Young Wind Monitor):

No Data Available

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  Maximum Wind Speed (R.M.Young Wind Monitor):

No Data Available

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  Wind Direction (R.M.Young Wind Monitor):

No Data Available

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  Air Temperature (CSAT Acoustic Anemometer):

No Data Available

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ReCON Station:

Plot Time:

 Last 7 Days

 Two Months starting 

 All Year of 

Click to Update Plots:

Science Plots:

MET Sensors

  Wind Speed    Max Wind Speed    Wind Dir    Air Temp 
  Air Temp    Dew Point    RH 

Radiation Sensors

  Albedo    Shortwave In    Shortwave Out    Longwave In 
  Longwave Out    Net Rad CNR4    Net Rad NRLite2 


  PV Volt    PV Curr    Batt Volt    Batt Curr 


  Wifi Rate    CDMA RSL 

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