NOAA Office of Education - The NOAA Office of Education provides a wealth of resources and opportunities for both Educators and Students. GLERL has a history of collaborating with regional partners applying for Environmental Literacy Grants, BWET, and other NOAA OE grants, providing access to scientists, data and information in project development. As with research collaboration, please note: The GLERL Director will need a two week turnaround time to sign any Letters of Collaboration. Contact Margaret Lansing (or the appropriate subject matter expert for data access).
Center for Great Lakes Literacy - The Center for Great Lakes Literacy (CGLL) is a collaborative effort led by Sea Grant educators throughout the Great Lakes watershed. The Center fosters informed and responsible decisions that advance basin-wide stewardship by providing hands-on experiences, educational resources and networking opportunities that promote Great Lakes literacy among an engaged community of educators, scientists and citizens.
Michigan Sea Grant Teaching Great Lakes Science - Teaching Great Lakes Science is your source for science, technology, engineering and math! This website features a suite of lessons, activities and data sets focused on the Great Lakes. Any of these resources may be easily incorporated into formal and informal educational settings. All the lessons, activities, teacher tools and data sets are free and targeted for 4-12th grades. Visit, Lessons and Data Sets for more.
Great Lakes Seminar Series - GLERL co-sponsors the joint CIGLR-GLERL Great Lakes Seminar Series, which brings in regional, national, and international researchers to talk about pertinent new and emerging scientific issues in the Great Lakes. These events facilitate collaborations between researchers, provide an educational opportunity for NOAA and university scientists, and serve as an outreach forum for stakeholders and the general public to attend. For more information about this seminar series, visit the CIGLR website.
CIGLR ECO Program Career Training - CIGLR's ECO program promotes a skilled and diverse workforce by providing career training for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows who will become the next generation of Great Lakes and NOAA scientists. Since 2008, CIGLR has provided research opportunities to more than 580 students and postdocs. Visit, for more.
NOAA Student and Career Opportunities Fact Sheet - Find information about educational and career opportunities that are available throughout NOAA, here:
NOAA Education Office - Visit the NOAA Education Office website for additional information about educational opportunities that are available throughout NOAA, here:
National Ocean Sciences Bowl - GLERL staff volunteers and supports the Great Lakes Bowl of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB).The NOSB is a nationwide academic competition among teams of high school students. Twenty-five separate regional competitions are held around the U.S. in February with the final national competition held in April. The NOSB tests students' math and science skills as applied to topics on ocean (and Great Lakes) biology, chemistry, geology, physics, technology, history, and economics. High school teams of four students, one alternate, and a coach compete in 18 minute long rapid-fire question and answer matches during the day-long round-robin, double elimination competition.
Southeast Michigan Regional Science Fair - In conjunction with the annual Southeast Michigan Regional Science Fair, GLERL sponsors awards for outstanding projects in aquatic science for both high school and middle school categories. GLERL staff act as general science fair judges as well as judges for the GLERL awards.
Note: Due to safety and liability concerns and staff limitations, GLERL is not able to offer laboratory tours to student groups.