GLERL Publications for FY 1975: October 1974 - September 1975

ASSEL, R.A. Great Lakes ice cover, winter 1973-74. NOAA Technical Report ERL 325-GLERL-1, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (COM-75-10981/9GI) 52 pp. (1974).

AUBERT, E.J. IFYGL: Scientific overview. Proceedings, IFYGL Symposium, 55th Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Rockville, MD, 8-21 (1974).

AUBERT, E.J. The Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. IAGLR Lakes Letter 5(4):1-4 (1974).

AUBERT, E.J., and A.P. PINSAK. Proceedings, Workshop on Priority Great Lakes Environmental Research Initiatives, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, October 10-11, 1974. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, (1975).

BENNETT, E.B., and J.H. SAYLOR. IFYGL water movement program--A post field work review. Proceedings, IFYGL Symposium, 55th Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Rockville, MD, 102-127 (1974).

BOLSENGA, S.J. Estimating energy budget components to determine Lake Huron evaporation. Water Resources Research 11(5):661-666 (1975).

Braster, R.E., S.C. CHAPRA, and G.A. Nossa. Documentation for SNSIM1/2. A computer program for the steady-state water quality simulation of a stream network. Environmental Protection Agency, New York, (1975).

CHAPRA, S.C., and G.A. Nossa. A computer program for the modeling of water quality parameters in steady-state multi-dimensional natural aquatic systems. Documentation for HAR03. Environmental Protection Agency, New York, (1974).

DANEK, L.J., and J.H. SAYLOR. Saginaw Bay water circulation. NOAA Technical Report ERL 359-GLERL 6, (PB-254-075/5GI) 50 pp. (1975).

Gehrs, C.W., and A. ROBERTSON. Use of life tables in analyzing the dynamics of copepod populations. Ecology 56:665-672 (1975).

GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Annual Report for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, FY 1975. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 40 pp. (1975).

GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Technical plan for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 147 pp. (1975).

*HUANG, J.C.K. Ocean/atmosphere dynamically coupled model for climatic study. In Monograph IV, Department of Transportation, Climatic Impact Assessment Program, Washington, DC, (6-210)-(6-216) (1974).

HUANG, J.C.K., and J.M. Park. Effective cloudiness derived from ocean buoy data. Journal of Applied Meteorology 14:240-246 (1974).

Ischinger, L.S., and T.F. NALEPA. Freshwater macroinvertebrates. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation 47(6):1520-1538 (1975).

JENKINS, C.F. The International Field Year for the Great Lakes. Great Lakes Basin Commission, Communicator 6(1):5-6 (1975).

LESHKEVICH, G.A. Lake Superior bathythermograph data. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-3, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-248-826/0GI) 71 pp. (1975).

LIU, P.C. Duration-limited wave spectra in Lake Ontario during the 1972 Hurricane Agnes (IFYGL). Proceedings, 17th Conference on Great Lakes Research, International Association for Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor, MI, 435-444 (1974).

LIU, P.C., and T.A. Kessenich. Surface wave data recorded in Lake Ontario during IFYGL. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-2, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-247-121/7GI) 197 pp. (1975).

LIU, P.C., and R.J. Robbins. Wave data analyses at GLERL. Proceedings, International Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, New Orleans, LA, September 9-11, 1974. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 64-73 (1974).

*NALEPA, T.F., and L.S. Ischinger. Sediment oxygen demand studies on the Androscoggin, Presumpscot, and Penobscot Rivers, Maine, May and July 1974. Report to Region I, EPA, and State of Maine prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Field Investigations Center, Boston, MA, (1974).

*NALEPA, T.F., and L.S. Ischinger. Sediment oxygen demand studies on the Chowan River, North Carolina, December 1974. Report to State of North Carolina prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Field Investigation Center, Boston, MA, (1974).

NORTON, D.C. Lake Ontario Basin: Overland precipitation. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-1, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (COM-75-10589/0GI) 12 pp. (1974).

Park, R.A., R.U. O'Neill, J.A. Bloomfield, H.H. Shugart, R.S. Booth, R.A. Goldstein, J.B. Mankin, J.F. Kounce, D. SCAVIA, M.S. Adams, L.S. Clescer, E.M. Colon, E.H. Dettman, J.A. Joppes, and D.D. Huff. A generalized model for simulating lake ecosystems. Journal of Simulation 23:33-50 (1974).

Park, R.A., D. SCAVIA, and N.H. Clesceri. CLEANER, the Lake George model. In Ecological Modeling in a Management Framework, C.S. Russell (ed.). Resources for the Future, Inc., Washington, DC, 49-82 (1975).

PICKETT, R.L., and S. BERMICK. Comparison of airborne radiation thermometer and buoy temperature measurements. IFYGL Bulletin 14:76 (1975).

PICKETT, R.L., and F.P. RICHARDS. Comparison of July currents from adjacent United States and Canadian buoys. IFYGL Bulletin 11:107-110 (1974).

PICKETT, R.L., and F.P. RICHARDS. Editing procedures for analysis of buoy and tower data. IFYGL Bulletin 11:105-106 (1974).

**PINSAK, A.P. (Editor). Proceedings, Workshop on Great Lakes Environmental Research Priority Initiatives, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, October 10-11, 1974. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 129 (1975).

PINSAK, A.P. Federal agency programs: NOAA--Department of Commerce. Proceedings, Recession Rate Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, December 5-6, 1974. Great Lakes Basin Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, 55-63 (1975).

*PINSAK, A.P., and T.L. MEYER. Internal report for Maumee River Basin level B study. Great Lakes Basin Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, (1975).

PINSAK, A.P., and G.K. Rodgers. Energy balance of Lake Ontario. Proceedings, IFYGL Symposium, 55th Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Rockville, MD, 86-101 (1974).

QUINN, F.H. Lake Huron beginning-of-month water levels and monthly rates of change of storage. NOAA Technical Report ERL 348-GLERL 4, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-249-921/8GI) 27 pp. (1975).

QUINN, F.H. Lake Michigan beginning-of-month water levels and monthly rates of change of storage. NOAA Technical Report ERL 326-GLERL 2, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (COM-75-10895/1) 32 pp. (1975).

RAO, D.B. Numerical studies of the response of lakes to atmospheric forcing. Proceedings, Second World Congress, International Water Resources Association, Vol. III, International Water Resources Association, New Delhi, 369-375 (1975).

RAO, D.B. Transient response of shallow enclosed basins using the method of normal modes. Inland Waters Directorate, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Scientific Series No. 38, 30 pp. (1974).

ROBERTSON, A. A new species of Diaptomus (copepoda, calonoida) from Oklahoma and Texas. American Midland Naturalist 93:206-214 (1975).

ROBERTSON, A. Zooplankton. In Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 700-701 (1974).

ROBERTSON, A., F.C. Elder, and T.T. Davies. IFYGL chemical intercomparisons (IFYGL). Proceedings, 17th conference on Great Lakes Research, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, August 12-14, 1974. International Association for Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor, 682-696 (1974).

**ROBERTSON, A., C.W. Gehrs, B.D. Hardin, and G.W. Hunt. Culturing and ecology of Diaptomus clavipes and Cyclops vernalis. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ecological Research Series EPA-660/3-74-006, Washington, DC, 226 pp. (1974).

*Rooney, J.P., and S.C. CHAPRA. Water quality analysis of the Raritan Bay system. Report prepared for the Water Programs Branch, Environmental Programs Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency--Region II, (1974).

Sackett, W.M., C.W. Poag, and B.J. EADIE. Kerogen recycling in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Science 185:1045-1047 (1974).

SAYLOR, J.H. Nearshore bottom stability in relation to changing lake levels. Proceedings, Technical Conference on Lake Michigan Shoreland Planning, Chicago, IL, May 24-25, 1973. Lake Michigan Federation, Chicago, IL, 42-55 (1974).

SCAVIA, D., J.A. Bloomfield, J.S. Fisher, J.A. Nagy, and R.A. Park. Documentation of CLEANX: A generalized model for simulating the open-water ecosystems of lakes. Simulation 23:51-56 (1974).

VANDERPLOEG, H.A., R.S. Booth, and F.H. Clark. A specific activity and concentration model applied to cesium movement in an oligotrophic lake. In Mineral Cycling in Southeastern Ecosystems, F.G. Howell, J. B. Gentry, and M.H. Smith (eds.). U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, 142-165. (1975).

VANDERPLOEG, H.A., and J.R. Kercher. Effects of limnological variables on bioaccumulation factors. In Radiation Research: Biomedical, Chemical, and Physical Perspectives, O.F. Nygaard, H. I. Adler, and W.K. Sinclair (eds.). Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1192-1204 (1975).

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