Data disclaimer: NOAA/GLERL is not an operational center. We make every effort to ensure accuracy and minimize downtime, however, we cannot guarantee that data and products will always be available and/or accurate. Our forecasts and products should be considered experimental. NOAA/GLERL is not an operational center. We make every effort to ensure accuracy and minimize downtime, however, we cannot guarantee that data and products will always be available and/or accurate. Our forecasts and products should be considered experimental. Please review our disclaimers.

Experimental Lake Erie Real-time Data

we2 we4 we8 we13 RRB ESP WE9 WE6 WE12 WE16 Map of real-time sampling sites

Jump to time-series plots of real-time data from western Lake Erie

Most recent real-time data from western Lake Erie (Click here to collapse)
Variable WE2 WE4 WE8 WE13
Time "2024-10-18 16:01:00" "2024-10-21 21:31:00" "2023-10-11 19:16:00" "2019-10-02 16:46:00"
Air Temperature (deg C) 13.99 0 15.1 23.43
Water Temperature (deg C) 14.12 NA 12.97 NA
Barometric Pressure (mbar) 1012.521 0 988.3999 984.3978
Wind Speed (m/s) 1.292 0 0.55 0.531
Wind Direction
(deg clockwise from North)
192.1 0 135.7 10.4
Turbidity (NTU) 7.344 NA 54.43 NA
Specific Conductivity (μS/cm) 259.2 NA 0.492 NA
Chlorophyll A (RFU) 0.596 NA 0.142 NA
Blue-Green Algae (RFU) 0.018 NA 1.283 NA
Flourescent Dissolved
Organic Matter (RFU)
2.684 NA -1.391 NA
Nitrogen (mg/L) 0.3494 NA 0
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 9.97 NA 10.67 NA
pH 8.43 NA 7.042 NA
Phosphorus Timestamp 2024-10-18 15:05:13 NA 2023-10-11 18:05:12 NA
Phosphorus (μgP/L) 8.1 NA -2.7 NA

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Viewing mode will be indicated with light green background color.

This page automatically displays data which are available. If no data appear for a selected site or variable, no data are available for that site, variable and selected time.

2016-2020 times are GMT.
2015 and earlier times are local (ET) with the exception of WE4 which is in GMT.

Select a date below along with how many days before and after that date you would like to view. 30 days maximum (± 15).
Zoom: click-drag, Pan: shift-click-drag, Restore: double-click

Download data

Download archived weekly and continuous western Lake Erie sampling data from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Additionally, you may download provisional data from the latest season via the following links:

Visit the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration homepage Visit the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory homepage Visit the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research homepage Visit the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative homepage