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International Field Years on Lake Erie (IFYLE)

Phyto Fluorimetry Metadata

Column title Explanation, units Instrument/Source of data
TRANSECT_# Internal coding, the consecutive transect (between fixed stations) n/a
GMT Greenwisch Mean Time NMEA (ship navigation system)
DOY Day of Yeat NMEA (ship navigation system)
DAY Day of Month NMEA (ship navigation system)
Month Month NMEA (ship navigation system)
YEAR Year NMEA (ship navigation system)
LAT_(N) Latitude NMEA (ship navigation system)
LONG_(W) Longitude NMEA (ship navigation system)
KNOTS Vessel speed over ground (nautical miles per hour) NMEA (ship navigation system)
KM/H Vessel speed over ground (kilometers per hour) NMEA (ship navigation system)
DEPTH_(Z) Depth below hull (m) NMEA (ship navigation system)
WATER_°C Water temperature at hull (degrees Celsius) NMEA (ship navigation system)
fDOY Day of year, fractional NMEA (ship navigation system)
CDOM Colored dissolved organic matter (Suwanee River fulvic acid, equivalents; mg/L) Turner Designs Model 10-AU, CDOM Optical Kit (10-303: The CDOM Optical Kit uses a Near UV Mercury Vapor Lamp, 350nm excitation filter (310-390nm), a 410-600nm emission filter, and a 10-300 Reference Filter (>300nm).  No attenuator plate was used.  The instrument was calibrated with Suwannee River Humic Acid (International Humic Substances Society, St. Paul, MN)
Fv/Fm Quantum efficiency of photosynthesis (unit-less)

Water was drawn by gravity from the ferry box  through a Fast Repetition Rate Fluorimeter (Mark I, Chelsea Technologies Group, West Molesey, UK) to measure photosynthetic efficiency.  The FRRF measured photosynthetic efficiency at a frequency of 0.091 Hz.  The program used for this instrument was identical to that developed by Pemberton et al. (2006) for use on Lake Ontario.  The FRRF was programmed to measure the ratio of variable chlorophyll-a fluorescence (Fv) to maximal chlorophyll-a fluorescence (Fm), calculated as: Fv/Fm = ( Fo-Fm)/Fm where, Fo = basal chlorophyll-a fluorescence.  Data were collected every 11-14 seconds.

FERRY_°C Water temperature in ferry box (degrees Celsius) A FluoroProbe (Model II, Series 7; bbe Moldaenke, GmbH, Kiel-Kronshagen, DE), was submersed inside the ferry box and measured temperature and phytoplankton. The FluoroProbe is a submersible fluorimeter that assesses phytoplankton communities through the measure of photosynthetic pigment fluorescence at 5 wavelengths (Beutler et al., 2002).  The FluoroProbe distinguishes phytoplankton into four groups: 1) Chlorophyta and Euglenophyta, 2) phycocyanin (PC)-rich Cyanobacteria, 3) Heterokontophyta and Dinophyta, and 4) Cryptophyta and phycoerythrin (PE)-rich Cyanobacteria (Beutler et al., 2002, 2003).  The FluoroProbe was programmed to measure continuously every 30 seconds for a duration of 1 second.  The FluoroProbe output  is corrected for the presence of yellow substances.
GREEN Chlorophyta & Eugelenophyta phytoplankton (µg chlorophyll-a per L) FluoroProbe (see above)
BLUE_GREEN Phycocyanin-Rich Cyanobacteria (µg chlorophyll-a per L) FluoroProbe (see above)
DIATOMS Heterokontophyta & Dinophyta (µg chlorophyll-a per L) FluoroProbe (see above)
CRYPTOPHYTA Cryptophyta & Phycoerythrin-Rich Cyanobacteria phytoplankton (µg chlorophyll-a per L) FluoroProbe (see above)
YELLOW SUBSTANCE CDOM measured by fluoroprobe (relative units) FluoroProbe (see above)
TOTAL_CONC Total in situ chlorophyll-a; µg chlorophyll-a per L) FluoroProbe (see above)

June and September FLI data (July FLI data does not have ship speed or water temperature through hull)


Beutler M., Wilstshire K.H., Meyer B., Moldaenke C., Lüring C., Meyerhöfer M., Hansen U.-P., Dau H., 2002. A fluorometric method for the differentiation of algal populations in vivo and in situ. Photosyn. Res. 72, 39-53.

Beutler M., Wiltshire K.H., Arp M., Kruse J., Reineke C., Moldaenke C., Hansen U.-P., 2003. A reduced model of the fluorescence from the cyanobacterial photosynthetic apparatus designed for the in situ detection of cyanobacteria. Bioch. Bioph. Acta 1604, 33-46.

Pemberton, K.L., Smith, R.E.H., Silsbe, G.M., Howell, T., Watson, S.B., 2007. Controls on phytoplankton physiology in Lake Ontario during the late summer: evidence from new fluorescence methods. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 64, 58-73.

Contact Information

Michael R. Twiss, Ph.D.
Great Rivers Center, Clarkson University
Potsdam, New York, 13699, tel. (315) 268-2359

Ralph Smith
Department of Biology
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1

June and September FLI data (July FLI data does not have ship speed or water temperature through hull)


Beutler M., Wilstshire K.H., Meyer B., Moldaenke C., Lüring C., Meyerhöfer M., Hansen U.-P., Dau H., 2002. A fluorometric method for the differentiation of algal populations in vivo and in situ. Photosyn. Res. 72, 39-53.

Beutler M., Wiltshire K.H., Arp M., Kruse J., Reineke C., Moldaenke C., Hansen U.-P., 2003. A reduced model of the fluorescence from the cyanobacterial photosynthetic apparatus designed for the in situ detection of cyanobacteria. Bioch. Bioph. Acta 1604, 33-46.

Pemberton, K.L., Smith, R.E.H., Silsbe, G.M., Howell, T., Watson, S.B., 2007. Controls on phytoplankton physiology in Lake Ontario during the late summer: evidence from new fluorescence methods. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 64, 58-73.

Contact Information:

Michael R. Twiss, Ph.D.
Great Rivers Center, Clarkson University
Potsdam, New York, 13699, tel. (315) 268-2359

Ralph Smith
Department of Biology
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1