Spectacle Reef Light


  Wind Speed (CSAT Acoustic Anemometer):

No Data Available

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  Wind Direction (CSAT Acoustic Anemometer):

No Data Available

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  Air Temperature (Vaisala Sensor):

No Data Available

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  Dew Point (Vaisala Sensor):

No Data Available

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  Relative Humidity (Vaisala Sensor):

No Data Available

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  Solar Radiation (Kipp and Zonen):

No Data Available

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  Surface Temperature (Infrared Apogee Sensor):

No Data Available

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ReCON Station:

Plot Time:

 Last 7 Days

 Two Months starting 

 All Year of 

Click to Update Plots:

Science Plots:

MET Sensors

  Wind Speed    Wind Dir    Air Temp    Dew Point 
  RH    Solar Rad    Surface Temp 

Radiation Sensors

  Albedo    Shortwave In    Shortwave Out    Longwave In 
  Longwave Out    Net Rad CNR4    Net Rad NRLite2 


  EC Batt Voltage    PV Volt    PV1 Volt    PV2 Volt 
  Batt Volt 



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