International Field Years on Lake Erie (IFYLE)

Fixed Station Information

Station Name Basin Latitude Longitude
881 West 41 58.12 83 12.50
e60 West 41 53. 50 83 11.80
973 West 41 47.55 83 19.98
835 West Shipping Channel Maumee River 41 45.26 83 20.53
e59 West 41 43.60 83 9.00
580 West 41 50.88 83 6.40
e61 West 41 56.80 83 2.70
e91M West 41 50.45 82 55.00
e92 West 41 57.00 82 41.20
968 West between Pelee, Bass Islands 41 44.48 82 44.00
e58 West, West of North and South Bass Islands 41 41.10 82 56.00
969 West 41 36.48 82 55.47
496 West, South of Kelley’s Island 41 34.07 82 43.28
1163 West, Sandusky Basin 41 28.44 82 42.21
SW5 Sandusky Transect 41 31.059 82 32.905
MW4 Sandusky Transect 41 34.523 82 27.808
M Sandusky Transect 41 36.283 82 22.941
ME Sandusky Transect 41 38.037 82 17.923
NE1 Sandusky Transect 41 38.037 82 13.053
NNE Sandusky Transect 41 39.777 82 08.038
311 Central (West End) 41 40.00 82 30.00
1005 Central (West End) 41 50.12 82 23.62
965 Central (West End) 41 30.08 82 30.07
1191 Central 41 55.90 82 12.00
412 Central 42 5.98 82 11.38
e42 Central 41 57.90 82 2.50
M8 Central 41 50.00 82 12.00
962 Central 41 43.00 82 11.07
e43 Central 41 47.30 81 56.70
1192 RTM Central (South Shore by Conneaut) 41 43.98 81 41.69
947 Central 41 59.42 80 38.47
M10 Central (near Cleveland) 41 53.00 81 15.00
958 Central (South Shore, by Lorain) 41 32.96 81 29.76
964 Central (South Shore) 41 31.11 82 10.92
956 Central 41 42.42 81 28.15
e73 Central 41 58.67 81 45.41
1190 Central 42 8.40 81 49.00
e38 Central 42 16.90 81 40.30
e37 Central 42 6.60 81 34.50
e36 Central 41 56.10 81 28.70
e78M Central 42 7.00 81 15.00
489 Central 42 9.98 80 18.02
402 Central 42 8.68 80 33.50
1061 Central 42 21.62 81 21.87
950 Central (North End, Plum Point) 42 33.38 81 00.74
e30 Central 42 25.80 81 12.30
e31 Central 42 15.20 81 6.40
e32 Central 42 4.90 81 00.70
M13 Central 42 15.00 81 48.00
1003 Central 42 17.05 81 38.42
1047 Central 42 21.67 81 16.38
942 Central (East End) 42 15.60 79 49.80
e15m East (Deep Hole) 43 31.00 79 53.60
1108 East (North End, near Inner Bay) 42 43.00 80 8.48
449 East (North Shore) 42 45.67 79 59.33
e10 East 42 40.80 79 41.50
936 East (South Shore, West of Dunkirk) 42 30.57 79 23.63
e09 East 42 32.30 79 37.00
e63 East 42 25.00 79 48.00
932 East (near Welland Canal) 42 47.52 79 12.63
931 East (near Buffalo) 42 50.98 78 56.53

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