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International Field Years on Lake Erie (IFYLE)

Hydrolab Metadata

The profile was created using a Hach Environmental Hydrolab DS5 sonde equipped with the following sensors:

LDO - p/n 007455
Conductivity - p/n 004468
pH - p/n 004461
Chlorophyll-a - p/n 007202
Phycocyanin - p/n 007291 (for Blue-Green Algae, freshwater species)

It was connected to a Panasonic Toughbook running Hach Environmental Hydras 3LT software, through a 50 meter cable.

Before each cast, depth on the Hydrolab was zeroed by positioning the sonde directly above the surface of the water and calibrating that position as the initial zero depth. Logging was set to five second intervals. The sonde was lowered manually by passing the cable hand over hand at a rate of 2 meters per minute. Once the sonde was approximately 0.5 meters above the bottom, it was raised using the same method and rate.

Contact Information:

Gregory L. Boyer
State University of New York
College of Environmental Science and Forestry
1 Forestry Drive, 121 Jahn Lab
Syracuse, NY 13210
phone: 315-470-6825