Muskegon M20 Buoy


  Wind Speed (R.M.Young Wind Monitor):

No Data Available

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  Maximum Wind Speed (R.M.Young Wind Monitor):

No Data Available

top     select 

  Air Pressure (R.M.Young Barometer):

No Data Available

top     select 

  PAR Radiation (Li-Cor):

No Data Available

top     select 

  Surface Water Temperature (CSI Temp Probe):

No Data Available

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  Wind Direction (AirMar Weather Sensor):

No Data Available

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  Air Temperature (AirMar Weather Sensor):

No Data Available

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  Air Pressure (AirMar Weather Sensor):

No Data Available

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  Significant Wave Height (Nortek):

No Data Available

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  Maximum Wave Height (Nortek):

No Data Available

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  Wave Period (Nortek):

No Data Available

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  Wave Direction (Nortek):

No Data Available

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  Water Temperature (Nortek):

No Data Available

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  Water Temperature near Surface (YSI Sonde):

No Data Available

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  Dissolved Oxygen (%Sat) near Surface (YSI Sonde):

No Data Available

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  Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) near Surface (YSI Sonde):

No Data Available

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  Chlorophyll near Surface (YSI Sonde):

No Data Available

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  Conductivity near Surface (YSI Sonde):

No Data Available

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  Specific Conductivity near Surface (YSI Sonde):

No Data Available

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  pH near Surface (YSI Sonde):

No Data Available

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  Phycocyanin near Surface (YSI Sonde):

No Data Available

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  Fluorescent DOM near Surface (YSI Sonde):

No Data Available

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  Turbidity near Surface (YSI Sonde):

No Data Available

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  Total Dissolved Solids near Surface (YSI Sonde):

No Data Available

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  Depth of YSI Sonde near Surface:

No Data Available

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  Temperature near Bottom (SeaBird 16 CTD):

No Data Available

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  Conductivity near Bottom (SeaBird 16 CTD):

No Data Available

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  Depth of SeaBird 16 CTD:

No Data Available

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  East Current Profile (Nortek):

No Data Available

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  North Current Profile (Nortek):

No Data Available

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ReCON Station:

Plot Time:

 Last 7 Days

 Two Months starting 

 All Year of 

Click to Update Plots:

Science Plots:

MET Sensors

  Wind Speed    Max Wind Speed    Wind Dir    Air Temp 
  Air Press    PAR    Water Temp 

AirMar Sensors

  Wind Speed    Max Wind Speed    Wind Dir    Air Temp 
  Air Press 

Nortek Waves

  Wave Height    Wave Max    Wave Period    Wave Dir 
  Nortek Temp 

YSI Sensors near Surface

  YSI Temp    DO (%Sat)    DO (mg/L)    Chlorophyll 
  Cond    SpCond    pH    BGA 
  fDOM    Turbidity    TDS    YSI Depth 

Seabird 16 CTD

  Temp    Cond    Depth 

Nortek Currents

  East Current    North Current 

Engineering Plots:

AirMar Sensor

  Ofs North    Ofs East    Heading    Pitch 

Nortek Profiler

  Nortek Depth    Nortek Heading    Nortek Pitch    Nortek Roll 
  Nortek Battery 


  PV Volt    PV Curr    Batt Volt    Batt Curr 
  To UWHub    Hub Curr    UW Hub Volt    UWHub 12V 


  Wifi RSL    Wifi Rate    CDMA RSL 

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