Mark Rowe
Recent GLERL Publications:
(See also All GLERL Publications,
Pre-GLERL Publications)
Note: Although not all publications are available via our website, electronic copies may be available. Contact the publications office at
- DEN UYL, P.A., S.B. Harrison, C.M. GODWIN, M.D. ROWE, J.R. Strickler, and H.A. VANDERPLOEG. Comparative analysis of Microcystis buoyancy in western Lake Erie and Saginaw Bay of Lake Huron. Harmful Algae 108(DOI:10.1016/j.hal.2021.102102) (2021).
- Karatayev, A.Y., V.A. Karatayev, L.E. Burlakova, K. Mehler, M.D. ROWE, A.K. ELGIN, and T.F. NALEPA. Lake morphometry determines Dreissena invasion dynamics. Biological Invasions 23:2489-2514 (DOI:10.1007/s10530-021-02518-3) (2021).
- Ozersky, T., A.K. ELGIN, H.A. VANDERPLOEG, J. WANG, A.F. MANOME, M.D. ROWE, and e. al. The Changing Face of Winter: Lessons and Questions From the Laurentian Great Lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126(6)(DOI:10.1029/2021JG006247) (2021).
- Qian, S.S., C.A. STOW, F. ROWLAND, Q. Liu, M.D. ROWE, E.J. ANDERSON, R.P. Stumpf, and T.H. JOHENGEN. Chlorophyll a as an indicator of microcystin: Short-term forecasting and risk assessment in Lake Erie. Ecological Indicators 130(DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108055) (2021). (IN PRESS)
- ALSIP, P.J., H. ZHANG, M.D. ROWE, E.S. RUTHERFORD, D.M. MASON, C.M. Riseng, and Z. Su. Modeling the interactive effects of nutrient loads, meteorology, and invasive mussels on suitable habitat for Bighead and Silver Carp in Lake Michigan. Biological Invasions 22:2763-2785 (DOI:10.1007/s10530-020-02296-4) (2020).
- LIU, Q., M.D. ROWE, E.J. ANDERSON, C.A. STOW, and T.H. JOHENGEN. Probabilistic forecast of microcystin toxin using satellite remote sensing, in situ observations and numerical modeling. Environmental Modelling & Software 128(DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104705) (2020).
- ALSIP, P.J., H. ZHANG, M.D. ROWE, D.M. MASON, E.S. RUTHERFORD, C.M. Riseng, and Z. Su. Lake Michigan's suitability for bigheaded carp: The importance of diet flexibility and subsurface habitat. Freshwater Biology 64(11):1921-1939 ( (2019).
- ROWE, M.D., E.J. ANDERSON, D. BELETSKY, C.A. STOW, S.D. Moegling, J.D. Chaffin, J.C. May, P.D. Collingsworth, A. Jabbari, and J.D. Ackerman. Coastal Upwelling Influences Hypoxia Spatial Patterns and Nearshore Dynamics in Lake Erie. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124(8):6154-6175 (DOI:10.1029/2019JC015192) (2019).
- Weiskerger, C.J., M.D. ROWE, C.A. STOW, D. STUART, and T.H. JOHENGEN. Application of the Beer–Lambert Model to Attenuation of Photosynthetically Active Radiation in a Shallow, Eutrophic Lake. Water Resources Research 54(11):8952-8962 (DOI:10.1029/2018WR023024) (2018).
- Bunnell, D.B., e.a. including, E.S. RUTHERFORD, H.A. VANDERPLOEG, S.A. POTHOVEN, A.K. ELGIN, and M.D. ROWE. Are Changes in Lower Trophic Levels Limiting Prey-Fish Biomass and Production in Lake Michigan? Great Lakes Fishery Commission, (2018).
- ROWE, M.D., E.J. ANDERSON, H.A. VANDERPLOEG, S.A. POTHOVEN, A.K. ELGIN, J. WANG, and F. Yousef. Influence of invasive quagga mussels, phosphorus loads, and climate on spatial and temporal patterns of productivity in Lake Michigan: A biophysical modeling study. Limnology and Oceanography 62(6):2626-2649 (DOI:10.1002/lno.10595) (2017).
Recent Presentations:
(See also Pre-GLERL Presentations)
* denotes speaker
- ROWE, M.D. Development of a harmful algal bloom transport forecast for Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. State of Lake Huron 2019, Saginaw, Mich., Oct. 9, 2019. IAGLR (2019).
- ROWE, M.D., E.J. ANDERSON, H.A. VANDERPLOEG, and R.P. Stumpf. Development of an Experimental Harmful Algal Bloom Transport Forecast for Saginaw Bay Lake Huron. Saginaw Water Treatment Plant, Saginaw, Mich., Oct. 23, 2019 (2019).
- ROWE, M.D. Biophysical modeling for understanding, prediction, and stewardship of Great Lakes ecosystems. Seminar at UW Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconson, November 27, 2018 (2018).