GLERL Publications
January 2008 - December 2008

Arhonditsis, G.B., C.A. STOW, H.W. Paerl, L.M. Valdes-Weaver, L.J. Steinberg, and K.H. Reckhow. Delineation of the role of nutrient dynamics and hydrologic forcing on phytoplankton patterns along a freshwater-marine continuum. Ecological Modelling 208:230-246 (2008).

BELETSKY, D., and D.J. SCHWAB. Climatological circulation in Lake Michigan. Geophysical Research Letters 35( L21604, doi:10.1029/2008GL035773):5 pp. (2008).

Costantini, M., S.A. LUDSIN, D.M. MASON, X. Zhang, W.C. Boicourt, and S.B. BRANDT. Effect of hypoxia on habitat quality of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in Chesapeake Bay. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:989-1002 (2008).

CROLEY, T.E. II. The once-Great Lakes. Proceedings, Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region, Starting a Public Discussion, Green Bay, WI, March 2007. University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, pp. 65-69 (2008).

CROLEY, T.E. II., and C. He. Spatially distributed watershed model of water and materials runoff. In Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment: A Watershed Perspective. W. Ji (Ed.). Part II, Wetland Hydrology and Water, Chapter 9. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 99-112 (2008).

CROLEY, T.E. II., and C.F.M. Lewis. Warmer and drier climates that make Lake Huron into a terminal lake. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 11(2):153-160 (2008).

CROLEY, T.E. II., D.F. Raikow, C. He, and J.F. Atkinson. Hydrological resource sheds. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 13(9):873-885 (2008).

Deal, C., M. Jin, and J. WANG. The significance of water column nitfciation in the southeastern Bering Sea. Chinese Journal of Polar Research 19(2):185-192 (2008).

Dettmers, J.M., C.P. Madenjian, P.J. Allen, S.A. POTHOVEN, and T.F. NALEPA. Impacts of recent invasive species on nearshore fishes. In The State of Lake Michigan in 2005. D.F. Clapp and W. Horns (Eds.). Great Lakes Fishery Commission Special Publication 08-02. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, pp. 19-26 (2008).

Dufour, E., T.O. HÖÖK, W.P. Patterson, and E.S. RUTHERFORD. High resolution isotope analysis of young alewife Alosa pseudoharengus otoliths: assessment of temporal resolution and reconstruction of habitat occupancy and thermal history. Journal of Fish Biology 73:2434-2451 (2008).

DYBLE, J., G.L. FAHNENSTIEL, R.W. Litaker, D.F. Millie, and P.A. Tester. Microcystin concentrations and genetic diversity of Microcystis in the lower Great Lakes. Environmental Toxicology 23:507-516 (2008).

EADIE, B.J., J.A. ROBBINS, J. Val Klump, D.J. SCHWAB, and D.N. Edgington. Winter-spring storms and their influence on sediment resuspension, transport, and accumulation patterns in southern Lake Michigan. Oceanography 21(4):118-135 (2008).

FAHNENSTIEL, G.L., D.F. Millie, J. DYBLE, R.W. Litaker, P.A. Tester, M.J. McCORMICK, R. Rediske, and D. Klarer. Microcystin concentrations and cell quotas in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 11(2):190-195 (2008).

Ge, J., J. Qi, and B.M. LOFGREN. Use of vegetation properties from EOS observations for land-climate modeling in East Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research 113(D15101, doi:10.1029/2007JD009628):15 pp. (2008).

Ge, Z., and P.C. LIU. Long-term wave growth and its linear and nonlinear interactions with wind fluctuations. Annales Geophysicae 26:747-758 (2008).

HAND, C.P., S.A. LUDSIN, B.J. Fryer, and J.E. Marsden. Statolith microchemistry as a technique for discriminating among Great Lakes sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) spawning tributaries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:1153-1164 (2008).

HAWLEY, N. A digital data base for the particle size distribution of bottom sediments in Lake Michigan. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-145. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 17 pp. (2008).

He, C., and T.E. CROLEY II. Estimating nonpoint source pollution loadings in the Great Lakes watershed. In Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment: A Watershed Perspective. W. Ji (Ed.). Part III, Water Quality and Biogeochemical Processes, Chapter 10. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 115-127 (2008).

He, C., T.E. CROLEY II, and Q. Feng. Modeling water movement between the glacial, agricultural oasis and desert in the Heihe Watershed, Northwest China. Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on Geographic Information Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2-5, 2008. pp. 147-153 (2008).

He, C., C. DeMARCHI, and T.E. CROLEY II. Modeling spatial distributions of nonpoint source pollution loadings in the Great Lakes watersheds by using the distributed large basin runoff model. Proceedings, AWRA 2008 Spring Specialty Conference, San Matteo, CA, March 17-19, 2008. 7 pp. (2008).

HÖÖK, T.O., E. Gorokhova, and S. Hansson. RNA:DNA ratios of Baltic Sea herring larvae and copepods in embayment and open sea habitats. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science 76:29-35 (2008).

HÖÖK, T.O., E.S. Rutherford, T.E. CROLEY II, D.M. MASON, and C.P. Madenjian. Annual variation in habitat-specific recruitment success: Implications from an individual-based model of Lake Michigan alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:1402-1412 (2008).

HU, H., and J. WANG. Modeling the ocean circulation in the Bering Sea. Chinese Journal of Polar Research 19(2):193-211 (2008).

Jin, M., C. Deal, and J. WANG. A coupled ice-ocean ecosystem model for 1-D and 3-D applications in the Bering and Chikchi Seas. Chinese Journal of Polar Research 19(2):218-229 (2008).

Jin, M., J. WANG, K. Mizobata, H. HU, and K. Shimada. Observations and modeling of the ice-ocean conditions in the coastal Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 27(3):79-87 (2008).

JOHENGEN, T.H., B.A. Biddanda, and J.B. Cotner. Stimulation of Lake Michigan plankton metabolism by sediment resuspension and river runoff. Journal of Great Lakes Research 34:213-227 (2008).

Jonas, J., R.M. Claramunt, and E.S. RUTHERFORD. Salmonine reproduction and recruitment. In The State of Lake Michigan in 2005. D.F. Clapp and W. Horns (Eds.). Great Lakes Fishery Commission Special Publication 08-02. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, pp. 65-70 (2008).

Kapo, K.E., G.A. BURTON, D. de Zwart, L. Posthuma, and S.D. Dyer. Quantitative lines of evidence for screening-level diagnostic assessment of regional fish community impacts: A comparison of spatial database evaluation methods. Environmental Science and Technology 42(24):9412-9418 (2008).

Kelley, J.G.W., A.-J. Zhang, P. Chu, and G.A. LANG. Skill assessment of NOS Lake Ontario Operational Forecast System (LOOFS). NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS CS 13. NOAA Office of Coast Survey, Coast Survey Development Lab, Silver Spring, MD, 40 pp. (2008).

Kerfoot, W.C., J.W. Budd, S.A. Green, J.B. Cotner, B.A. Biddanda, D.J. SCHWAB, and H.A. VANDERPLOEG. Doughnut in the desert: Late-winter production pulse in southern Lake Michigan. Limnology and Oceanography 53(2):589-604 (2008).

Kiziewicz, B., and T.F. NALEPA. Some fungi and water molds in waters of Lake Michigan with emphasis on those associated with the benthic amphipod Diporeia spp.. Journal of Great Lakes Research 34:774-780 (2008).

Kunkel, K., P. Bromirski, H. Brooks, T. Cavazos, A. Doug, D. Easterling, K. Emanual, P. Groisman, G. Holland, T. Knutson, J. Kosin, P. Komar, D. Levinson, R. Smith, J. Allen, R.A. ASSEL, S. Changnon, J. Lawrimore, K.B. Liu, and T. Peterson. Chapter 2: Observed changes in weather and climate extremes. In Weather and Climate Extremes in a Changing Climate: Regions of Focus: North America, Hawaii, Caribbean, and U.S. Pacific Islands. T.R. Karl, G.A. Meehi, C.D. Miller, S.J. Hassol, A.M. Waple, and W.L. Murray (Eds.). The U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research, Washington, DC, pp. 35-80 (2008).

Lewis, C.F.M., J.W. King, S.M. Blasco, G.R. Brooks, J.P. Coakley, T.E. CROLEY, D.L. Dettman, T.W.D. Edwards, C.W. Heil, J.B. Hubeny, K.R. Laird, J.H. McAndrews, F.M.G. McCarthy, B.E. Mediolo, T.C. Moore, D.K. Rea, and A.J. Smith. Dry climate disconnected the Laurentian Great Lakes. EOS Transactions 89(52):541-542 (2008).

LIEBIG, J.R., and H.A. VANDERPLOEG. Selecting optical plankton counter size bins to optimize zooplankton information in Great Lakes studies. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-143. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 16 pp. (2008).

LIU, P.C., H.S. Chen, D.-J. Doong, C.C. Kao, and Y.-J.G. Hsu. Monstrous ocean waves during Typhoon Krosa. Annales Geophysicae 26:1327-1329 (2008).

LIU, P.C., and K.R. MacHutchon. Are there different kinds of rogue waves? Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 130:7 pp. (2008).

LIU, P.C., D.J. SCHWAB, C.H. Wu, and K.R. MacHutchon. Wave heights in a 4-D ocean wave field. Proceedings, OMAE 2008 ASME 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Estoril, Portugal, June 15-20, 2008. 5 pp. (2008).

LOFGREN, B.M., and P. Bieniek. Large-scale 700 hPa height patterns associated with cyclone passage and strong winds on Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 34:36-53 (2008).

Lohrenz, S.E., G.L. FAHNENSTIEL, and D.F. Millie. Coastal sediment dynamics and river discharge as key factors influencing coastal ecosystem productivity in southeastern Lake Michigan. Oceanography 21(4):60-69 (2008).

Lu, Y., S.A. LUDSIN, D.L. FANSLOW, and S.A. POTHOVEN. Comparison of three microquantity techniques for measuring total lipids in fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:2233-2241 (2008).

Madenjian, C.P., D.V. O'Connor, R.R. Rediske, J.P. O'Keefe, and S.A. POTHOVEN. Net trophic transfer efficiencies of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners to Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) from their food. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(3):631-636 (2008).

McCORMICK, M.J., T.O. Manley, D. BELETSKY, A.J. FOLEY, and G.L. FAHNENSTIEL. Tracking the surface flow in Lake Champlain. Journal of Great Lakes Research 34:721-730 (2008).

McCORMICK, M.J., and D.J. SCHWAB. Observations of currents in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 11(2):182-189 (2008).

Millie, D.F., G.L. FAHNENSTIEL, J. DYBLE, R.J. Pigg, R.R. Rediske, D.M. Klarer, R.W. Litaker, and P.A. Tester. Influence of environmental conditions on late-summer cyanobacterial abundance in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 11(2):196-205 (2008).

Mizobata, K., S. Saitoh, and J. WANG. Interannual variability of summer biochemical enhancement in relation to mesoscale eddies at the shelf break in the vicinity of the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 55:1717-1728 (2008).

NALEPA, T.F., D.L. FANSLOW, G.A. LANG, D.B. LAMARAND, L.G. CUMMINS, and G.S. CARTER. Abundances of the amphipod Diporeia spp. and the mussels Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena rostriformis bugensis in Lake Michigan in 1994-1995, 2000, and 2005. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-144. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 25 pp. (2008).

Olson, J.M., G. Alagarswamy, J.A. Andresen, D.J. Campbell, A.Y. Davis, J. Ge, M. Huebner, B.M. LOFGREN, D.P. Lusch, N.J. Moore, B.C. Pijanowski, J. Qi, P.K. Thornton, N.M. Torbick, and J. Wang. Integrating diverse methods to understand climate-land interactions in East Africa. Geoforum 39:898-911 (2008).

POTHOVEN, S.A., S.A. LUDSIN, T.O. HÖÖK, D.L. FANSLOW, D.M. MASON, P.D. Collingsworth, and J.J. VanTassel. Reliability of bioelectrical impedence analysis for estimating whole-fish energy density and percent lipids. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1519-1529 (2008).

POTHOVEN, S.A., and C.P. Madenjian. Changes in consumption by alewives and lake whitefish after Dreissenid mussel invasions in Lakes Michigan and Huron. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:308-320 (2008).

Rao, Y.R., N. HAWLEY, M.N. Charlton, and W.M. Schertzer. Physical processes and hypoxia in the central basin of Lake Erie. Limnology and Oceanography 53(5):2007-2020 (2008).

Redalje, D.G., S.D. Lohrenz, M.J. Natter, M.D. Tuel, G.J. Kirkpatrick, D.F. Millie, G.L. FAHNENSTIEL, and F.M. VanDohal. The growth dynamics of Karenia brevis within discrete blooms on the West Florida Shelf. Continental Shelf Research 28:24-44 (2008).

REID, D.F. Ballast water and saltwater flushing: Closing a gap in the protection framework for the Great Lakes. ANS Update 14(1):2 pp. (2008).

Richardson, C.J., R.S. King, S.S. Qian, P. Vaithiyanathan, R.G. Qualls, and C.A. STOW. Response to comment on "Estimating ecological thresholds for phosphorus in the Everglades". Environmental Science and Technology 42:6772-6773 (2008).

Richardson, C.J., R.S. King, S.S. Qian, P. Vaithiyanathan, R.G. Qualls, and C.A. STOW. An ecological basis for establishment of a phosphorus threshold for the Everglades ecosystem. In The Everglades Experiment. Lessons for Ecosystem Restoration. C.J. Richardson (Ed.). Springer, New York, NY, 595-616 (2008).

Richardson, C.J., P. Vaithiyanathan, R.G. Qualls, M.B. Bush, C.A. STOW, and M. Ho. Water quality, soil chemistry, and ecosystem responses to P dosing. In The Everglades Experiments. Lessons for Ecosystem Restoration. C.J. Richardson (Ed.). Springer, New York, NY, 385-416 (2008).

ROBERTS, J.J., and F.J. Rahel. Irrigation canals as sink habitat for trout and other fishes in a Wyoming drainage. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:951-961 (2008).

ROBINSON, S.D., P.F. LANDRUM, P.L. VanHoof, and B.J. EADIE. Seasonal variation of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in surficial sediment, trapped settling material, and suspended particulate matter in Lake Michigan, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(2):313-322 (2008).

RUBERG, S.A., E. Guasp, N. HAWLEY, R.W. MUZZI, S.B. BRANDT, H.A. VANDERPLOEG, J.C. LANE, T.C. MILLER, and S.A. CONSTANT. Societal benefits of the real-time coastal observation network (ReCON): Implications for municipal drinking water quality. Marine Technology Society Journal 42(3):103-109 (2008).

RUTHERFORD, E.S. Lake Michigan's tributary and nearshore fish habitats. In The State of Lake Michigan in 2005. D.F. Clapp and W. Horns (Eds.). Great Lakes Fishery Commission Special Publication 08-02. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, 7-17 (2008).

Santagata, S., Z.R. Gasi?naite, E. Verling, J.R. Cordell, K. Eason, J.S. Cohen, K. Bacela, G. Quilez-Badia, T.H. JOHENGEN, D.F. REID, and G.M. Ruiz. Effect of osmotic shock as a management strategy to reduce transfers of non-indigenous species among low-salinity ports by ships. Aquatic Invasions 3(1):61-76 (2008).

Schertzer, W.M., R.A. ASSEL, D. BELETSKY, T.E. CROLEY II, B.M. LOFGREN, J.H. SAYLOR, and D.J. SCHWAB. Lake Huron climatology, inter-lake exchange and mean circulation. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 11(2):144-152 (2008).

SELLINGER, C.E., C.A. STOW, E.C. Lamon, and S.S. Qian. Recent water level declines in the Lake Michigan-Huron system. Environmental Science and Technology 42(2):367-373 (2008).

STOW, C.A., E.C. Lamon, T.K. Kratz, and C.E. SELLINGER. Lake level coherence supports common driver. EOS Transactions 89(41):7 (2008).

WANG, H.-Y., T.O. HÖÖK, M.P. Ebener, L.C. Mohr, and P.J. Schneeberger. Spatial and temporal variation of maturation schedules of lake whitefish (Coregonus cleupaformis) in the Great Lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:2157-2169 (2008).

WANG, J., M. Jin, J. Takahashi, T. Suzuki, I.G. Polyakov, K. Mizobata, M. Ikeda, F.J. Saucier, and M. Meier. Modeling Arctic Ocean heat transport and warming episodes in the 20th century caused by the intruding Atlantic water. Chinese Journal of Polar Research 19(2):159-167 (2008).

WANG, J., K. Mizobata, H. HU, M. Jin, S. Zhang, W. Johnson, K. Shimada, and M. Ikeda. Modeling seasonal variations of ocean and sea ice circulation in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas: A model-data fusion study. Chinese Journal of Polar Research 19(2):168-184 (2008).

Waples, J.T., B.J. EADIE, J. Val Klump, M. Squires, J.B. Cotner, and G. McKinley. Chapter 7: The Laurentian Great Lakes. North American Continental Margins: A Synthesis and Planning Workshop. Report of the North American Continental Margins Group for the U.S. Carbon Cycle Scientific Steering Group and Interagency Working Group. U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program, Washington, DC, pp. 73-81 pp. (2008).

WILSON, A.E., D.C. GOSSIAUX, T.O. HÖÖK, J.P. Berry, P.F. LANDRUM, J. DYBLE, and S.J. Guildford. Evaluation of the human health threat associated with the hepatoxin microcystin in the muscle and liver tissues of yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:1487-1497 (2008).

Wynne, T.T., R.P. Stumpf, M.C. Tomlinson, R.A. Warner, P.A. Tester, J. DYBLE, and G.L. FAHNENSTIEL. Relating spectral shape to cyanobacterial blooms in the Laurentian Great Lakes. International Journal of Remote Sensing 29(12):3665-3672 (2008).

Yang, X.Y., R.X. Huang, J. WANG, and D.X. Wang. Delayed baroclinic response of the Antarctic circumpolar current to surface wind stress. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 51(7):1036-1043 (2008).

ZHANG, H., D.A. Culver, and L. Boegman. A two-dimensional ecological model of Lake Erie: Application to estimate dressenid impacts on large lake plankton populations. Ecological Modelling 214:219-241 (2008).